If you see traffic from odd referrers in your analytics program, you may want to block their referrer spam. You will need to perform a manual modification of your nginX virtual host file to achieve this.
Add the following code to your nginX virtual host file to block the most common referrer spam sources:
Use these rules at your own risk. If your site starts to behave unexpectedly you may need to adjust the code to suit your needs.
[ez_code scroll=”1″]if ($http_referer ~* “^.*(ranksonic\.|semalt\.|kambasoft\.|buttons-for-website\.|buttons-for-your-website\.com|4webmasters\.org|social-buttons\.com|best-seo-offer\.com|best-seo-solution\.com).*$”){return 403;}[/ez_code]
2048 NginX
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