E-commerce, or electronic commerce, basically refers to doing business online. E-commerce usually requires specialized software, a secure site, and the ability to process payments.

We can assist you in the process of obtaining the services needed to setup and maintain a successful e-commerce website. We have several ecommerce applications that we provide free of charge. These applications can either be installed by you through a very easy to use web based interface or we can do paid installations for a small fee. Some of them can even be pre-installed automatically free of charge when you order your hosting account. The information you need to provide to set up the applications is based on real world knowledge such as your name, the name of your shopping site, the payment options you will accept, etc. Of course, all of that information can be changed later on.

We are also available for commercial support to modify your ecommerce site, optimize your site for search engines, data conversion, data entry, etc. In addition to the applications we offer for free installation, our servers are compatible to most state of the art ecommerce applications and we may also be hired to set up applications for you. If you have any specific enquiries regarding an ecommerce application, please contact our sales department.

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