Online sales are increasing all the time, however, just by opening a store you won’t generate any sales. We recommend to build up a potential customer base first before you venture into e-commerce. You might also want to consider to apply search engine optimization (SEO) or search engine marketing (SEM) techniques and grow your social media presence to increase the traffic on your site first. If you are unsure on how to do this, we can help you out, as we have several experienced staff members who published articles on SEO in the past and have social media accounts with tens of thousands of followers. This does not fall under our standard support policy though and will be billed at our standard commercial support rates at USD $40 per hour. Please feel free to contact our sales department for a quote.

If you need assistance regarding data entry, site design, etc, you may ask for a quote as well. Additionally to having extra human resources available for data entry, we also know several of the core developers of the applications we provide for auto-installation. They are available for customizations / addons as their time permits.

Once you feel that you are ready to have your own ecommerce site, you might want to consider to have a SSL certificate installed on your site.

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