SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It helps to protect your Web site and makes it easy for customers to trust you.
Every SSL Certificate is created for a verified domain name. Like a passport or a driver’s license, a SSL Certificate is issued by a trusted authority, the Certificate Authority (CA).
When the SSL handshake occurs, the browser requires authentication from the server. If the information does not match or the certificate has expired, the browser displays an error message or warning.
- SSL enables encryption of sensitive information during online transactions.
- Each SSL Certificate contains unique, authenticated information about the certificate owner.
- Every SSL Certificate is issued by a Certificate Authority that verifies the identity of the certificate owner.
The SSL difference
Without SSL encryption, packets of information travel through networks in full view. Imagine sending mail through the postal system in a clear envelope. Anyone with access to it can see the data. If it looks valuable, they might take it or change it. Without third-party verification, how do you know a Web site is really a business you trust? Imagine receiving an envelope with no return address and a form asking for your bank account number. An SSL Certificate helps Web site visitors protect sensitive information and get a better idea of who they are trusting with it.
Available SSL certificates
At EZOSHosting, you can buy SSL certificates from well known Certificate Authorities at discounted rates.
At this time, we are able to offer you the following certificates: